Deputy Minister: Agriculture, Water and Land Reform


Legislative Profile Member of the National Assembly (2015-2020); Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (2015).
Personal Born on 11 June 1958
Education Master of Science in Agricultural Production, (1984-1988); Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering, (1980-1983) ; Management Certificate, University of Stellenbosch(2002); West Africa School Certificate (WASC), Federal Republic of Nigeria (1975-1979).
Career Member and Vice Chairperson of the Swapo Party Think Tank; Deputy Permanent Secretary: Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (2004-2014); Managing Director: Mediva Fisheries Pty, Ltd (2004); General Manager, Agricultural Development: Namibia Development Corporation (1994-2004); Deputy Director , Agricultural Training: Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development (1990-1994); Research Officer: SWAPO Party Department of Economic Affairs (1989).
Legislative Interests Oversight on the set targets and policy implementation; Effective and quality policy debates; establish the effects of policies on poverty alleviation.